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#241 02-12-2017 20:47:44

Monsieur ADN
Mothafuckin' T.rex
Lieu : Dans ton sang
Inscription : 02-01-2014
Messages : 18 176

Re : Scénarios WTF de JW2

Et Tim "Electric Man" va lancer des attaques fatales foudres et tonnerres !

A l'aide de Pikachu !  big_smile

"Dans d'autres siècles, les êtres humains voulaient êtres sauvés, ou améliorés, ou libérés, ou éduqués. Mais dans le nôtre, ils veulent êtres divertis. La grande peur de notre siècle n'est pas la maladie ou la mort, mais l'ennui. Un sentiment de temps libre entre nos mains. Un sentiment de ne rien faire. Le sentiment de ne pas être divertis."
Michael Crichton

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#242 12-12-2017 10:00:31

Taylor BC
Mosasaurus badass
Inscription : 08-07-2014
Messages : 4 450

Re : Scénarios WTF de JW2

Hollywood Executive
Okay, so Jurassic World made over 1.6 BILLION DOLLARS at the box office. We've GOTTA make a sequel!

Steven Spielberg
Oh yeah, definitely.

Hollywood Executive
The only question is - what in the world would the plot be? We've already had 4 excursions to dinosaur-filled islands, and literally every single time it all goes haywire and the dinosaurs go wild and murder everyone. How can we realistically explain why anyone would go back to a dinosaur-filled island AGAIN?

Steven Spielberg
Oh, because they all know it's dangerous?

Hollywood Executive
Exactly. They know for certain that there is a 100% chance everything will go wrong and dinosaurs will end up murdering everyone. It has happened literally every single time. What extra twist could we throw in to make it believable that our characters would want to revisit the island?

Steven Spielberg
What if...the island is exploding?

[extremely long silence]

Hollywood Executive
What ?

Steven Spielberg
Like, a volcano on the island is erupting. And there's flaming debris and smoke and lava everywhere. Total chaos.

Hollywood Executive
Okay...so that happens after they get to the island? So now they have to deal with dinosaurs and a new threat of an active volcano that they never saw coming?

Steven Spielberg
No, they knew about the volcano. That's WHY they go to the island in the first place.

[extremely longer silence]

Hollywood Executive
So, they go to the exploding dinosaur murder island...ON PURPOSE?

Steven Spielberg

Hollywood Executive

Steven Spielberg
To save the dinosaurs.

Hollywood Executive
Like, the friendly dinosaurs? The plant-eaters?

Steven Spielberg
The velociraptors.

[the longest silence ever known to man]

Steven Spielberg
It'll make 1.7 billion dollars.

Hollywood Executive
...fine, Steven. You win.



Dernière modification par Taylor BC (12-12-2017 10:06:18)

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